Approved vs. Standard HEPA Filter Types: Making the Right Choice

August 15, 2024

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are at the heart of air purification technology due to their superior filtration efficiency and wide range of applications. With the increasing emphasis on indoor air quality, HEPA filters have become an indispensable component of air purification equipment in homes, hospitals, laboratories, precision manufacturing plants, and various public places due to their ability to capture and remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns and above (including dust, pollen, smoke, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances).

Approved vs. Standard HEPA Filter Types: Making the Right Choice

. What is HEPA Filter

HEPA Filter is a pleated high-efficiency filtration device, mainly used to capture at least 99.97% of the airborne particles of 0.3 micron or smaller. This includes dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, pet dander, smoke and dust mites. These hepa filtration are used in a variety of industries to ensure clean air.

.the different types and differences of HEPA Air Filter

1. True HEPA Filter

True HEPA Filter is a filter that has been recognized by an authoritative body such as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as 100% compliant with the DOE HEPA filtration standards mentioned above. DOE HEPA standard states that True hepa filters are the highest air filtration standard available, and are suitable for use in a wide range of home and commercial air purifiers to improve air quality and provide allergy sufferers with a HEPA type filters

2. HEPA Filter

HEPA filters, also known as HEPA-like air filters, have demonstrated excellent ability to capture a wide range of airborne particles, making them very effective in improving indoor air quality, but they are less efficient than True HEPA filters and they don't meet the same stringent standards as true HEPA filters. This may not be as effective at removing smaller airborne allergens and contaminants.

3. Medical Grade HEPA Filters

The Medical Grade HEPA Filter, also known as the H13 HEPA filter or H14 HEPA Filter, is a special type of HEPA Filter typically used in laboratories, hospitals, operating rooms, and other environments that have ultra-high air quality requirements. Compared to True HEPA Filter, H13 HEPA Filter can even remove particles of 0.1 micron or smaller. Because of its ultra-high filtration efficiency, the Medical Grade HEPA Filter is the filter of choice for highly allergic patients.

4. ULPA Filter

ULPA filters are also known as ultra-low permeability air filters. ULPA standards require the removal of 99.999% of particles as small as 0.12 microns. ULPA filters are similar to HEPA air filters, but with a higher filtration efficiency. ULPA filters belong to the H15 to H17 class, with H17 providing the highest filtration efficiency. ULPA filters are classified as H15 to H17, with H17 providing the highest filtration efficiency. Therefore, they are suitable for the pharmaceutical, aerospace and semiconductor manufacturing industries.

. How HEPA Filters Work

The hepa filtration is a pleated air filtration device that is one of the most effective filtration media for contaminants such as smoke, dust, and bacteria. It works as follows:

  1. Interception mechanism: when airborne particles through the HEPA filter, particles larger than the gap between the filter fibers will be intercepted directly on the filter surface, unable to penetrate the filter. This mechanism is particularly effective for larger particles (e.g. 5μm, 10μm particles). This is the most direct and common filtration method.

  2. Gravity settling: For small but dense particles, gravity also plays an important role in the filtration process. These particles across the HEPA filter, due to the role of gravity, the speed will be reduced and gradually settled in the filter, similar to the process of sediment deposition at the bottom of the river.

  3. Airflow and diffusion: HEPA filter weaving will form a large number of air vortex, these vortices will change the direction of movement of small particles, so that it is easier to be adsorbed on the filter. In addition, small particles due to their movement energy is large, in the air will be diffused, when they come into contact with the fibers of the filter, the direction of movement will change, so that it is difficult to pass through the filter.

  4. Electrostatic effect (part of the HEPA filter): Some HEPA filters with electrostatic properties will use the principle of charge attraction to filter particles. These filters usually have a two-layer structure, a layer with a positive charge, another layer with a negative charge. When airborne particles come into contact with the charged fibers, they will be attracted to the fibers and remain in the filter.

Approved vs. Standard HEPA Filter Types: Making the Right Choice

. the application of HEPA Filter

HEPA Filter is widely used in various industries due to its excellent filtration performance, the following are the application areas of HEPA Filter:

1. Cleanrooms and the production of critical processes
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing: In the semiconductor production process, the cleanliness of the environment is required to be extremely high. HEPA Filter can effectively remove tiny particles in the air to prevent contaminants from causing damage to semiconductor products.

  • Pharmaceutical industry: Pharmaceutical production requires strict control of airborne microorganisms and particles to ensure the quality and safety of medicines. HEPA Filter can effectively filter airborne microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, as well as particles such as dust.

  • Food and Beverage Production: In the process of food and beverage production, it is crucial to prevent foreign contaminants from entering the product. HEPA Filter can ensure the cleanliness of the production environment and prevent microorganisms and dust from contaminating the product.

2. Healthcare
  • Pharmaceutical industry: Pharmaceutical production requires strict control of airborne microorganisms and particles to ensure the quality and safety of medicines. HEPA Filter can effectively filter airborne microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, as well as dust and other particles.

  • Food and Beverage Production: In the food and beverage production process, it is crucial to prevent foreign contaminants from entering the product. HEPA Filter can ensure the cleanliness of the production environment and prevent microorganisms and dust from contaminating the product.

3. Air Purification for Domestic and Commercial Use
  • Air Purifier: Home and commercial air purifiers widely use HEPA Filter as the core filtration element. It removes airborne dust, pollen, pet dander and other allergens, as well as smoke, bacteria and other harmful substances to enhance indoor air quality.

  • HVAC: In hvac system, HEPA Filter is used to pre-filter the air that enters the room to ensure that the air sent into the room is clean and healthy.

4.Other areas with super high air quality requirements
  • Aerospace: In the aerospace field, HEPA Filter is used in the air purification system of aircraft cabin to ensure the breathing health of passengers and crew.

  • Animal Laboratory: In animal laboratories, HEPA Filter removes odors and microorganisms from the air to provide a clean and healthy living environment for laboratory animals.

  • In short, HEPA Filter plays an important role in many fields by virtue of its efficient filtration performance. It not only improves air quality and protects people's health and safety, but also ensures the quality and stability of critical process products.

. Why choose True HEPA over HEPA-like filters?

For optimal air purification, it's important to choose True HEPA filters, which stand out for their superior efficiency levels and strict compliance with DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) standards. These filters are the first choice when it comes to controlling particulate pollution. Safeguarding the air quality of your environment is a fundamental commitment to everyone's health and safety.

Further, selecting filters from reputable brands and ensuring that they are fully compliant with DOE specifications is a crucial part of the equation, and True HEPA filters not only have a higher filtration density, meaning that they trap airborne contaminants longer, effectively extending replacement intervals and reducing maintenance costs.

Taken together, True HEPA filters have demonstrated significant benefits in improving indoor air quality (IAQ) and have passed a rigorous testing and certification process. In contrast, products that only claim HEPA-like filtration are often not as effective and can be labeled to inflate prices, even if their actual effectiveness varies. Where safety is of paramount importance, it is wise to avoid spending your budget on low-quality products and prioritize those that are genuine and offer excellent performance - true HEPA filters.


1. What makes a HEPA filter unique?

HEPA filters are widely used in many applications due to their high filtration performance, ensuring cleanliness and product quality in production environments. Most of them use ultra-fine glass fiber paper as the filter media, and there are also chemical fibers and electrostatically charged polytetrafluoroethylene and other materials, which have excellent filtration performance and durability.HEPA filters provide a variety of filtration grades (e.g., H13, H14, U15, U16, etc.) and frame materials (e.g., aluminum, galvanized sheet, stainless steel, etc.) to meet the filtration needs of different occasions. HEPA filter has become a leader in the field of air purification and has a unique status by virtue of its high efficiency filtration performance, excellent material and structure, unique technology and process, long service life and low maintenance cost, as well as safety and environmental protection.

Approved vs. Standard HEPA Filter Types: Making the Right Choice

2.How to choose the right HEPA Filter

When choosing the right HEPA Filter, you need to consider a number of factors to ensure that it can meet your specific needs.

  1. Determine filtration needs: Consider the environment in which the HEPA Filter will be used, such as home, office, hospital, laboratory, etc. Different environments may have different filter requirements. Filter requirements may vary from environment to environment. Define the type of pollutants you wish to filter, such as PM2.5, bacteria, viruses, smoke, dust, etc. HEPA Filter is excellent for filtering these tiny particles.

  2. Focus on the HEPA grade: The grade of HEPA Filter is usually divided according to its filtration efficiency for particles, commonly H11, H12, H13, H14, etc. The higher the grade, the higher the filtration efficiency. The higher the grade, the higher the filtration efficiency.

  3. Consider the material and structure of the filter: pay attention to the structural design of the filter, such as whether to use multi-layer filter, whether there is an activated carbon layer. Multi-layer filters can provide a more comprehensive filtration effect, while the activated carbon layer helps to adsorb harmful gases and odors.

  4. Consider other factors: CADR value: CADR value (clean air output ratio) is an important indicator of the purification efficiency of an air purifier. The higher the value, the higher the purification efficiency.CCM value: CCM value (Cumulative Cleaning Capacity) represents the service life of the filter. The higher the value, the longer the service life of the filter.Brand and after-sales service: Choose products of famous brands to ensure product quality and after-sales service.

3. How to extend the service life of HEPA Filter

 Maintenance and replacement of HEPA Filter is a key step to ensure that it continues to work effectively. 

  1. Maintenance of HEPA FilterRegular Cleaning:

    Clean the external surface of the HEPA Filter regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt affecting the filtration effect. A soft cloth or vacuum cleaner can be used for cleaning, but be careful not to damage the filter itself. If the filter allows for cleaning (this usually applies in cases of light contamination), the cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer should be strictly followed.

    Avoid exposure to undesirable environments: Avoid exposing the HEPA filter to high temperatures, high humidity or corrosive environments, as this may affect its service life and filtration effect. Make sure there is enough space around the filter for air circulation to avoid filter clogging.

    Regular inspection: Regularly check the sealing, air speed, resistance and filtration efficiency of the HEPA filter and other parameters to ensure that it works properly. If the filter is found to have deformation, breakage or damage to the filter media, etc., it should be timely contacted to the manufacturer or professional personnel for repair or replacement.

  2. Replacement of HEPA filterReplacement cycle:

    The replacement cycle of HEPA filters varies depending on the usage environment, the type of pollutants and the quality of the filter itself. Generally speaking, HEPA filters used in homes or offices are recommended to be replaced once a year or adjusted according to the usage. For environments requiring higher filtration efficiency, such as hospitals and laboratories, more frequent replacement may be required.

    REPLACEMENT STEPS: Before replacing a HEPA filter, make sure you have turned off the power to the equipment or vehicle in question and follow the replacement guidelines provided by the manufacturer. When removing the old HEPA filter, take care to avoid damaging other parts or causing contamination. When installing a new HEPA filter, ensure that it is correctly fitted in the filter frame or box and check that the seal is good. After installation, the equipment should be turned on again and necessary tests and debugging should be carried out to ensure that the HEPA filter works properly.

    Note: When replacing the HEPA filter, the product with the same model and specification as the original filter should be used to ensure its filtering effect and service life. Attention should be paid to safety during the replacement process to avoid electric shock, scratches and other accidents. If you are not sure how to replace the HEPA filter, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or a professional for operation.

    In summary, maintenance and replacement of HEPA filters is key to ensuring that they continue to work effectively. By regular cleaning, avoiding exposure to undesirable environments, regular inspections and timely replacement, the service life of HEPA filters can be extended and filtration effectiveness improved. 

We can custom-design various types of air filters. Contact by Email at our filter experts at any time!
